Monday 15 January 2018

5 Things to Know About Canvas Tarps

Canvas tarps are suitable for certain kinds of loads because they are less abrasive and breathable. So you need to know some of its key aspects while buying tarps.

The 5 things you need to know about canvas tarps are as follows:

Different grades available

Canvas tarps are available in various grades, from heavy to light duty. Heavy-duty canvas is suitable for industrial environments where loads are exposed to certain kinds of chemicals or too harsh weather conditions like extreme cold or hot.

Water-Resistant vs. Waterproof tarps

After manufacture, the materials of tarps are coated with wax to help them fight off moisture. So the material is not 100% waterproof. If it is made waterproof, it starts losing its breathability. So, if there is a requirement of waterproof canvas tarp, they need to be specially ordered.

Canvas is complementary to Vinyl

Canvas has an intention to complement vinyl, but it cannot replace it. Vinyl flatbed truck tarps are able to cover all kinds of load and so a complete selection of vinyl tarps is required by the average flatbed trucker. However, canvas tarp is a material which is not suitable for all conditions. So you need to carry a larger selection of vinyl tarps along with a few canvas tarps on board when you need them for most work.

Canvas requires a bit more care

As canvas tarps require a bit more care as compared to vinyl tarps, so it is not considered as the primary material choice. As vinyl tarps can withstand a lot of situation so every truck driver wishes for these tarps because they don’t need to pamper their vinyl tarps to keep them safe for the longer duration. While canvas tarps are more prone to mold growth and are easier to tear, so you need to be very careful to make sure that the canvas tarps are completely dry prior to folding and also need to be more deliberate when applying a canvas tarp.

Canvas Tarps are Excellent for Equipment loads

Equipment load is the most common load dragged with a canvas tarp. Canvas tarp is an ideal material for dragging industrial equipment, farm equipment, and construction equipment. It is also flame-retardant and so it becomes a safer option in such environment where combustible material is in the vicinity.

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